Eka Pada Pranamasana (One-Legged Prayer Pose) – Benefits, Adjustment & Cautions

Eka Pada Pranamasana

Eka Pada Pranamasana (One-Legged Prayer Pose) – Benefits, Adjustment & Cautions Eka Pada Pranamasana aims to develop nervous balance and strengthens the leg, ankle and foot muscles. You might know this posture as Vrikshasana or Tree Pose. In traditional Hatha Yoga, Eka Pada Pranamasana is usually performed after the Surya Namaskar as Standing Balancing Pose. […]

Shava Udarakarshanasana (Universal Spinal Twist) – Benefits, Adjustment & Cautions

Shava Udarakarshanasana

Shava Udarakarshanasana (Universal Spinal Twist) – Benefits, Adjustment & Cautions Shava Udarakarshanasana is also known as Universal Spinal Twist. It is especially useful to practice this pose towards the end of your asana practice. The Universal Spinal Twist aims to realign your hip joint and removes tightness from the lower back. Shava Udarakarshanasana is also […]

Lolasana- Swinging Pose: Benefits, Cautions & Instructions


Lolasana (Swinging Pose) is an advanced asana. To master this posture, one needs to be able to sit in Padmasana (Lotus Pose) without any discomfort. The name of the posture originates from the Sanskrit term Lol which means Swinging. Today we share a step by step asana instruction followed by a discussion part: Sit in Padmasana Place […]

Janu Shirshasana (Head to Knee Forward Bend) – Benefits, Cautions & Guide

janu shirshasana

Janu Shirshasana is a great pose to increase flexibility in your hamstrings. It aims to massage the left and right inner organs and balances the endocrine system. In the final pose, as the name suggests, your head should be touching onto your knee while bending forward. Did you know that you can enhance the posture’s benefit […]

Vrischikasana – Scorpion Pose: Benefits, Cautions & Guide

Vrischikasana (Scorpion Pose)

Vrischikasana (Scorpion Pose) is an advanced asana. In Sankrit, Vrischika means Scorpion. In order to sting its victim, the scorpion arches its tail above its back and then strikes beyond its head. This asana resembles a striking scorpion. Always remember to practice this posture near a wall until you have perfected the pose. The spiritual focus of […]

Chakrasana or Wheel Pose – Asana Tutorial


Chakrasana is also known as Wheel Pose. Have you heard of chakras? Chakras are the energy wheels/centers in our body. The word chakr comes from the Sanskrit and stands for Wheel. Wheel pose counts as an advanced asana. It aims to balance the nervous system while increasing the flexibiliy of the spine.  Good preparing posture are: Cat and […]

Dhanurasana (BowPose) – Weekly Asana Tutorial

Dhanurasana Gyan Yog Breath

Dhanurasana comes from the Sanskrit word Dhanur which means Bow. In the final position, the body looks like a bow. Dhanurasana offers many benefits. Today we share with you our weekly step-by-step asana tutorial and later discuss all benefits and contraindications of the posture. Step by step asana guide: Lay on your belly and turn your head onto […]

30 Minute Post-Work Yoga to Reduce Stress

yoga and digestion

Most jobs nowadays are focused on mental strength. We are constantly challenged to read, write, discuss, argue or create ideas with our mind. We become more and more efficient in a shorter period of time while forgetting about our health and mental well-being. 200 years ago, most jobs were still related to physical work such […]

What are the benefits of becoming a Yoga Instructor?

aspiring yoga instructor group at gyan yog breath

Being a yoga instructor is a very satisfying and fulfilling job. You help others to live a more peaceful and healthy life. As a yoga instructor, you are a teacher, a guide, and a close friend. You are a motivator and an the inspiration for many yoga aspirants around you. The journey of becoming a yoga […]
