Yoga Teacher Training | Hilfe bei der Auswahl


Dieser Artikel bietet dir Hilfe bei der Auswahl deines Yoga Teacher Training Kurses. Qualitativ hochwertige Tipps und was zu beachten ist. Eine riesen Anzahl an Yogaschulen, verschiedene Konzepte. Viele Yogaschulen erwarten, dass du eine regelmäßige (meist einjährige) Yoga Praxis nachweisen kannst bevor du dich für ein Yoga Teacher Training (Yoga Ausbildung) anmelden kannst. Das ist […]

How Yoga Can Remove Neck And Shoulder Pain


How Yoga Can Remove Neck And Shoulder Pain According to master yoga teacher, Aadil Palkhivala, “true yoga is not about the shape of your body, but the shape of your life. Yoga is not to be performed; yoga is to be lived. Yoga doesn’t care about what you have been; yoga cares about the person […]

What is Yoga at Gyan Yog Breath?


Gyan Yog Breath Yoga Teacher Training School Yoga is an ancient discipline which is comprised of a variety of practices, such as asanas, meditation, and pranayama.  Gyan Yog Breath assists the practitioner in unifying soul, body, and mind, in order to pursue a personal spiritual journey. There are numerous forms of Yoga, that have developed in different […]

Health is wealth: 30 Minutes Yoga per day

30 minutes yoga

The benefits of 30 minutes yoga per day Yoga is ideally known to unite the mind, body, and soul of those who practice the same. It is widely known to improve health, well-being, and the overall quality of life. Now, quite, unfortunately, our cubicle-bound hectic lifestyle doesn’t often allow us to set aside an hour every […]
