Natarajasana – The Lord of Dance Pose


Nataraj is another name for Shiva, one of the Indian main Gods. His dance symbolizes universal energy. Natarajasana or Lord Shiva Dance Pose brings along many benefits. The level 1 posture stretches the shoulders, chest, thighs, and groins. Are curious about how to perform this pose correctly? Here are the instructional steps for you: Stand in Tadasana Bring […]

How Yoga Can Help You With Losing Excess Weight

reducing excesss body weight by yoga

My name is Miriam and I battled with my bodyweight since I was a teenager. I don’t think I ever got to the point of technically being obese, but at some point, I was 40 pounds heavier than I am today, so you can safely say I know enough about living in a body that […]

How yoga can help you with Stress Management

stress management

Stress. We all experience stress. Whether you realize it or not, it plays a major role in our busy everyday lives. Stress management is very important to lead a healthy lifestyle. Stress is your body’s reaction to any change that requires an adjustment or response. Your body reacts physically, mentally, or emotionally – although reactions […]

Warrior II Pose / Veerabhadrasana II-Instructions, Benefits & Contra-Indications


Warrior II Pose / Veerabhadrasana II–Instructions, Benefits & Contra-Indications Warrior II is also known as Veerabhadrasana in Sanskrit. The posture is extremely beneficial for your inner thighs, groin and hips. This asana can help you to increase strength and lets your confidence grow. It’s hip opener that – along many other benefits – promotes physical […]

Sophia-Theresa about her Yoga Teacher Training in India at Gyan Yog Breath

yoga teacher training at gyan yog breath

My Yoga Teacher Training in India at Gyan Yog Breath Did you know that Rishikesh is the world capital of yoga? I read about Rishikesh in a yoga journal and the city immediately caught my attention. Practicing yoga in Austria gave me some insights into asana and pranayama, but somehow I knew that there was […]

Mandukasana (Frog Pose)- Instructions, Benefits & Contra-Indications


Mandukasana is also known as Frog Pose. Frog Pose is extremely beneficial if you want to release back pain and stimulate your abdomen. It’s primary asana to control Diabetes Type 2 and is also used for Type 1 Patients. The pressure on the lower abdomen stimulates the digestive organs and pancreas, improves the blood flow […]

Vipareeta Karani Asana (Inverted Pose) – Instructions, Alignment & Benefits

Vipareeta Karani Asana

Vipareeta Karani Asana (Inverted Pose) – Instructions, Alignment & Benefits Vipareeta Karani Asana can be a preparatory posture for Sarvangasana. It gives similar benefits to Sarvangasana with less pressure on the neck. To begin with, it is necessary to bend the knees when raising and lowering the legs. Instructions: 1. Lie flat on the back […]
