How Can an Advanced Yoga Teacher Training Help you Grow our Career?

Advanced Yoga Teacher Training

To all yogis and yoginis who have completed a foundational 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training with a Yoga Alliance approved school before: How about joining an Advanced Yoga Training in India? An Advanced Yoga Teacher Training in India is also called a 300 Hours Yoga Teacher Training. A 300 Hours Yoga Teacher Training is the […]

Yoga and Its Benefits: Why Should it Be a Part of your Healthy Lifestyle?

Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh India

There are countless yoga benefits that arise when you start practicing it regularly. Swami Satyananda Saraswati used to say: ‘Yoga is not an ancient myth buried in oblivion. It is the most valuable inheritance of the present. It is the essential need of today and the culture of tomorrow’ As our modern life becomes more and more […]

Lolasana- Swinging Pose: Benefits, Cautions & Instructions


Lolasana (Swinging Pose) is an advanced asana. To master this posture, one needs to be able to sit in Padmasana (Lotus Pose) without any discomfort. The name of the posture originates from the Sanskrit term Lol which means Swinging. Today we share a step by step asana instruction followed by a discussion part: Sit in Padmasana Place […]

How can an Advanced Yoga Teacher Training help you to become a Master of Yoga?

Advanced Yoga Teacher Training

If you practice yoga for at least one year, you can join an Advanced Yoga Teacher Training. An Advanced Yoga Teacher Training is also known as 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training. A 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in India consists of a foundational 200 Hour Yoga Training and an Advanced 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training. This program was […]

What is Yoga at Gyan Yog Breath?


Gyan Yog Breath Yoga Teacher Training School Yoga is an ancient discipline which is comprised of a variety of practices, such as asanas, meditation, and pranayama.  Gyan Yog Breath assists the practitioner in unifying soul, body, and mind, in order to pursue a personal spiritual journey. There are numerous forms of Yoga, that have developed in different […]
