Warrior II Pose / Veerabhadrasana II-Instructions, Benefits & Contra-Indications


Warrior II Pose / Veerabhadrasana II–Instructions, Benefits & Contra-Indications Warrior II is also known as Veerabhadrasana in Sanskrit. The posture is extremely beneficial for your inner thighs, groin and hips. This asana can help you to increase strength and lets your confidence grow. It’s hip opener that – along many other benefits – promotes physical […]

Utthita Parsvakonasana (Extended Side Angle Pose) –Alignment & Benefits


Utthita Parsvakonasana aims to stretch your spine, chest, and waist and tones your legs and knees. If the Sanskrit name sounds unfamiliar to you, let us explain its meaning. Utthita means extended, parsva stands for side, and kona can be translated as the angle. In English, we call Utthita Parsvakonasana as Extended Side Angle Pose. […]

Sophia-Theresa about her Yoga Teacher Training in India at Gyan Yog Breath

yoga teacher training at gyan yog breath

My Yoga Teacher Training in India at Gyan Yog Breath Did you know that Rishikesh is the world capital of yoga? I read about Rishikesh in a yoga journal and the city immediately caught my attention. Practicing yoga in Austria gave me some insights into asana and pranayama, but somehow I knew that there was […]

Mandukasana (Frog Pose)- Instructions, Benefits & Contra-Indications


Mandukasana is also known as Frog Pose. Frog Pose is extremely beneficial if you want to release back pain and stimulate your abdomen. It’s primary asana to control Diabetes Type 2 and is also used for Type 1 Patients. The pressure on the lower abdomen stimulates the digestive organs and pancreas, improves the blood flow […]

Our Yoga Teacher Training in India

Yoga Teacher Training in India

Yoga has become a global term and trend. Millions of people post insights of their yogic journey on social media like Instagram or Facebook. While yoga is often displayed as a sport for slim people, we would like to remind you that yoga shouldn’t be limited to physical appearance only. Doing Yoga Teacher Training in […]

How Can an Advanced Yoga Teacher Training Help you Grow our Career?

Advanced Yoga Teacher Training

To all yogis and yoginis who have completed a foundational 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training with a Yoga Alliance approved school before: How about joining an Advanced Yoga Training in India? An Advanced Yoga Teacher Training in India is also called a 300 Hours Yoga Teacher Training. A 300 Hours Yoga Teacher Training is the […]

Yoga and Its Benefits: Why Should it Be a Part of your Healthy Lifestyle?

Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh India

There are countless yoga benefits that arise when you start practicing it regularly. Swami Satyananda Saraswati used to say: ‘Yoga is not an ancient myth buried in oblivion. It is the most valuable inheritance of the present. It is the essential need of today and the culture of tomorrow’ As our modern life becomes more and more […]

Chakrasana or Wheel Pose – Asana Tutorial


Chakrasana is also known as Wheel Pose. Have you heard of chakras? Chakras are the energy wheels/centers in our body. The word chakr comes from the Sanskrit and stands for Wheel. Wheel pose counts as an advanced asana. It aims to balance the nervous system while increasing the flexibiliy of the spine.  Good preparing posture are: Cat and […]
