How to Overcome Insecurities With Yoga

overcome insecurities with yoga

How to Overcome Insecurities with Yoga This essay is written with the intention of bringing awareness to yoga and the power it holds in self- discovery which leads to overcoming your insecurities. Insecurity is defined as the uncertainty or anxiety about oneself. It is the lack of confidence within your abilities and created as a […]

3 Reasons Why You Should Join a Yoga Teacher Training in India

yoga teacher training in india

3 Reasons Why You Should Join a Yoga Teacher Training in India at Gyan Yog Breath If people ask me what is a yoga teacher training, I say: A yoga teacher training in India is a irreplacable investment into your soul. It’s an amazing education which provides you with the knowledge to understand yourself, calm […]

Pregnancy Yoga – How Yoga Can Help You

pregnancy yoga

 Pregnancy Yoga – How yoga can help you with pregnancy Pregnancy is a pivotal life change for every woman; physically, emotionally and mentally. I believe that a holistic practice such as yoga can help to aid each of these areas and offer women support throughout their pregnancy. In this essay, I will be looking the […]

How Yoga can Help to Improve Your Digestion

yoga and digestion

How Yoga Can Help Improve Digestion As societies progress, there is a shift in the economic structure of a country. Gradually, there is an increase in demand for jobs that are intellectually intensive and a decrease in the demand for labor-intensive jobs. This increases the proportion of the working population with a sedentary lifestyle, affecting […]

Natarajasana – The Lord of Dance Pose


Nataraj is another name for Shiva, one of the Indian main Gods. His dance symbolizes universal energy. Natarajasana or Lord Shiva Dance Pose brings along many benefits. The level 1 posture stretches the shoulders, chest, thighs, and groins. Are curious about how to perform this pose correctly? Here are the instructional steps for you: Stand in Tadasana Bring […]

How yoga can help you with Stress Management

stress management

Stress. We all experience stress. Whether you realize it or not, it plays a major role in our busy everyday lives. Stress management is very important to lead a healthy lifestyle. Stress is your body’s reaction to any change that requires an adjustment or response. Your body reacts physically, mentally, or emotionally – although reactions […]

Utthita Parsvakonasana (Extended Side Angle Pose) –Alignment & Benefits


Utthita Parsvakonasana aims to stretch your spine, chest, and waist and tones your legs and knees. If the Sanskrit name sounds unfamiliar to you, let us explain its meaning. Utthita means extended, parsva stands for side, and kona can be translated as the angle. In English, we call Utthita Parsvakonasana as Extended Side Angle Pose. […]

Mandukasana (Frog Pose)- Instructions, Benefits & Contra-Indications


Mandukasana is also known as Frog Pose. Frog Pose is extremely beneficial if you want to release back pain and stimulate your abdomen. It’s primary asana to control Diabetes Type 2 and is also used for Type 1 Patients. The pressure on the lower abdomen stimulates the digestive organs and pancreas, improves the blood flow […]
