Padahastasana (Hand To Foot Pose) – Instructions, Benefits and Contra-Indications


Are you looking for more insights into Padahastasana (Hand to Foot Pose)? Padahastasana, or the Hand to Foot Pose, is a fantastic posture to add to your routine. In this article, we’ll delve into the step-by-step instructions, benefits, contra-indications of Padahastasana (Hand-to-Foot-Pose). Step By Step Instructions of Padahastasana (Hand to Foot Pose): Begin standing on your mat, […]

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training with Alex Hammer

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 – From the Roots of Yoga to Contemporary & Artful Asana–  – From the Roots of Yoga to Contemporary & Artful Asana– We are very thrilled to be launching an exclusive opportunity to train with Alex Hammer (@alexx_hammer) at Gyan Yog Breath in Rishikesh, India! From the 1st until 18th December 2024, Alex will be leading a […]

Gomukhasana (Cow-Face Pose)- Instructions, Benefits and Cautions

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What is Gomukhasana (Cow-Face Pose)? Gomukhasana, also known as Cow–Face Pose, is a seated yoga posture that stretches the shoulders, chest, arms, and hips. In this pose, one arm is raised overhead while the other arm is bent behind the back, with both hands trying to meet behind the back. The legs are crossed with […]

Dhanurasana (Bow-Pose) – Instructions, Benefits and Cautions


What is Dhanurasana (Bow-Pose)? Dhanurasana, translates as Bow–Pose. It is a yoga asana that involves lying on the stomach and lifting the legs and upper body to create a bow-like shape. The pose resembles an archer’s bow, with the hands holding the ankles while the chest and thighs lift off the ground. Dhanurasana (Bow-Pose) is […]

Moordhasana (Crown-Based Pose)– Instructions, Benefits and Contra-Indications


What is Moordhasana (Crown-Based Pose)? Moordhasana, also known as Crown-Based Pose, is a hatha asana technique within the vast tradition of yoga, offering a unique blend of physical and mental benefits. The Sanskrit term ‘Moordhasana’ translates to ‘King Pose’. From this context, the pose is often referred to as “Crown-Based” Pose; as the crown of […]

Vrikshasana (Tree Pose) – Instructions, Benefits, and Contra-Indications


Vrikshasana, or Tree Pose, has its origin in traditional Hatha Yoga, and its name is derived from Sanskrit. “Vriksha” translates to “tree” in English. The pose represents the graceful and steady nature of a tree, and practitioners aim to embody these qualities while holding the pose. Tree Pose (Vrikshasana) symbolizes growth and reaching towards the sky, […]

Boat Pose (Naukasana or Navasana) – Instructions, Benefits, and Contra-Indications


Naukasana, commonly known as Boat Pose or Navasana, is a hatha yoga asana that offers a variety of physical and mental benefits. Whether you’re a seasoned yogi or a beginner, incorporating Boat Pose into your practice can enhance overall well-being. Here’s a comprehensive guide to mastering Boat Pose or Naukasana, along with its numerous advantages and considerations Instructions […]

Yoga for flexibility – How to become more flexible with yoga

Yoga for flexibility

Are you looking to enhance your flexibility through yoga? If you ask yourself how to become more flexible, Yoga for flexibility may be the answer. Embarking on a journey towards increased flexibility involves not only physical benefits but also mental and emotional well-being. In this guide, discover the transformative power of yoga for flexibility and explore effective techniques […]
