3 Reasons Why A Yoga Teacher Training in India May Change Your Life Forever

yoga teacher training in india

3 Reasons Why A Yoga Teacher Training in India May Change Your Life Forever Taking a Yoga Teacher Training course in the birthplace of Yoga, India, offers you to look behind the scenes and gain some first-hand source knowledge. In India, yoga was first mentioned more than 5000 years ago in scripture called Rig Veda. […]

Who We Are and What We Do – Gyan Yog Breath

Advanced Yoga Teacher Training

Gyan Yog Breath is one of the leading Yoga Teacher Training schools in Rishikesh, India. You can also call a Yoga School a Yoga Ashram when it follows the yogic rules. If you read the the words Gyan Yog Breath for the first time, you might ask yourself, what does it mean? Gyan is Sanskrit and stands for […]

What is Yoga at Gyan Yog Breath?


Gyan Yog Breath Yoga Teacher Training School Yoga is an ancient discipline which is comprised of a variety of practices, such as asanas, meditation, and pranayama.  Gyan Yog Breath assists the practitioner in unifying soul, body, and mind, in order to pursue a personal spiritual journey. There are numerous forms of Yoga, that have developed in different […]
